Examples of use of A Civil Contract
1. Tom McClintock (R–Thousand Oaks) said that "marriage is fundamentally different from a civil contract.
2. "But women also have the right in principle to refuse polygamy, because marriage in Islam is a civil contract... and in a civil contract the woman has the right to include any conditions she likes." Islamist values But despite that, she demonstrated against recent reforms of family law giving Moroccan women precisely these rights.
3. Since 1''', France has allowed a civil contract called the Pacs, which gives some rights to cohabiting couples, regardless of their sex.
4. The bill approved by the California Assembly states that marriage is a civil contract between two people, rather than between a man and a woman.
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he would veto a bill, approved by legislators last week, redefining marriage as a civil contract between two people.